
Showing posts from January, 2020

Vernon Philander - The legend who was above numbers

With the first 2 years of his career showing us promise that just could have grown exponentially, clocking well over 5 wickets per test, Vernon Philander was well on course to becoming a modern-day legend. His averages and strike rates were phenomenal or should I say 'Philander'omenal and he did a fair bit with the bat too. If numbers were to be the only yardstick, then Vernon had dwindled in the latter part of his career finishing off with 224 wickets in 64 tests that is 3.5 wickets per test. In all fairness, any other bowler of his times, or eras gone by would have been proud to possess numbers that Vernon retired with. But did he do complete justice to his talent is something worth debating? Vernon wasn't 'tear-away' in the sense that he didn't hurl 90 mph cannons consistently. But playing on hard bouncy conditions at home more than conditions with ample lateral movement had him pick up 146 wickets in 36 tests at a shade over 4 wickets per test and that